Violations of the Code in Argentina: analysis of promotions, advertising and labeling of commercial milk formula and complementary foods products
Breastfeeding has unique benefits for the child and the mother, and its decline may be one of the most significant mass phenomena in infant feeding. While there are several causes, standing out among them is the marketing practices of commercial milk formula (CMF) and commercial complementary foods (CCF). This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using qualitative and quantitative methodology, between August 2018 and August 2020. Regarding the promotion, advertising and labeling of CMF and CCF, none of the companies in Argentina at the time complied with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes or the related laws in force in the country. The multiple forms of violation found emphasize the need to establish and strengthen monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to curb abuses by the CMF and CCF industry in Argentina, safeguarding the rights of mothers, families, and their newborns. Likewise, the Government must lead the political process and adapt its regulatory framework in terms of transparency and conflict of interest, as well as generate comprehensive and intersectoral public policies on the protection of breastfeeding.

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